participate - Systemic Cycles

The Systemic Cycles opportunities to participate

participate - Systemic Cycles

How can I become part of Systemic Cycles?

Systemic Cycles tour participant

You like to engage and move outdoors on a bicycle? You are curious to explore and understand what happens in bio-regions in terms of design for resilience, circular economy, sustainable development and regeneration? You actively like to enhance your knowledge in these fields and explore systems within and around? You are interested in learning systemic design as a hybrid way of enacting with complexity? Then we are looking for you: for tourism managers, for company employees, for policy makers, for students, for educational groups and professionals acting in these fields, already or intending so in the near future.

Host a group - become a visited actor on a Systemic Cycles tour

You are an actor - as a business, an organization, as policy maker, a steward of bio-regional assets, or related with supply chains of goods and services in a broader sense? You are interested and engaged in sustainability, resilience, regeneration? If you are open to share your experience and knowledge with others as part of our Systemic Cycles tours, while co-learning about circular opportunities, and weaving together resilient regenerative systems as part of the Systemic Cycles network, please get in touch with us. Either in the regions we already offer Systemic Cycles tours in, or for and from a new bio-region.

Systemic Cycles supporter

You like the idea of Systemic Cycles as a living and concrete approach to regenerative tourism, place making, learning and community building, in a holistic healthy way? You would thus like to support Systemic Cycles with your knowledge, your network, local infrastructure, as a mentor or as a sponsor? There are many ways to support SC. We also welcome donations to develop this project to a global framework. If you like to help, let’s get in touch.

Get certified as Systemic Cycles guide

Systemic Cycles is an open platform, a project to grow to a global movement. We developed a framework of competencies and methodical and didactic pathways, and ensure the quality of the process and the training of leaders and weavers who guide SC tours. All three competencies need to be present when guiding a SC tour, either in one person, or in a team who guides a tour. We offer (bi)annual training courses, starting in 2022, to grow a global network of SC tour guides, who then offer SC tours in their own region. The regional connections are key to a meaningful experience, thus we encourage regional place relations of SC tour guides, and regional guiding with partnerships to develop and weave over time.

Propose a new Systemic Cycles tour

You have interest and a background in sustainability, place making, regeneration, and outdoor sports? Your vision is to work actively towards a positive future and to do this not only in theory but as well in a real life environment with like-minded people? You are deeply connected to a region where there is no SC tour offered yet? There are two ways to bring SC to your region. One is that we may take up your idea, visit you for an initial testing tour, and then offer a SC tour via our global network, directly. The other option is that you become a certified SC guide and organize and guide the tour yourself. We offer a kind of franchise system where certified SC guides host their own regional SC tours and community. Let’s get in touch.

contact - Systemic Cycles

Systemic Cycles
c/o Verein MonViso Institute
Triemlistrasse 17
CH-8041 Zürich

Interested? Please feel free to get in contact with us!
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