cycle explore connect map weave transfer enjoy

Systemic Cycles   

a cycling journey towards resilient regenerative futures

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Systemic Cycles is now on the Wall of Fame for the Clima Now Spotlight 2024 asking for future-proof tourism in the Alps. Check out the video about the Idea and Concept of Systemic Cycles below:

Systemic Cycles

is a (multiple-) day bicycle tour combined with a regional exploration of supply chain systems. It mainly serves following functions:

  • Offering a playful experience of a moving social adventure as alternative didactics on learning systemic design

  • Shifting from sightseeing to insight-seeing forms of exploring, activity and tourism

  • Nudging processes of bio-regional weaving towards more circular, regional supply chain systems and ultimately regenerative cultures

Systemic Cycles

We offer Systemic Cycles tours, a guide education program and different options to participate

Systemic Cycles - idea - concept - goal

the terms of systemic and cycles
Cycles - physically moving on a bicycle, engaging with regional actors, experiencing their often linear supply chains of materials, products and services in a "multisensory systemic way” through dialogue, observation, and direct physical interaction.
Future circular supply chains - analogy of systemic cycles - as interconnected circularities: Designing in circular flows of various kinds to develop new synergies, new connections, enhancing bio-regional economies.
Moving through cycling is as well a metaphor for changing our thinking, for re-opening to interact with local people, trying out practices such as stone carving without fear of failure, thinking beyond linear supply chains towards circularities, and to expand on systemic thinking, doing and design practices.
Cycles refers to circularities of different kinds, and to cycling as a social way to move and explore places, Systems, as a way to meditate, to connect with our inner and outer environment.


Why just travel as a classic tourist, for leisure only, as a guest? Why not become part of a joint journey into a liveable future? To combine enjoyment and the useful?

Systemic Cycles is joyfully exploring new areas with engagement; with content, learning about local, circular, sustainable interventions and practices in the region where we travel, we move within nature, relax, enjoy local food and drinks, and interact with local people. To connect with place, to learn with each other, to enact in (visual) dialogue, and to co-design more resilient regenerative systems.


We are exploring places, people, companies, organisations and places acting in the fields of circularity, sustainability and systemic design in a given region.

We use the bicycle as a tool to explore and connect these players, learn what they do, analyse their processes and supply chains, sum up our findings and try to figure out future opportunities for a sustainable local development of people, companies, and areas.


Openly interact and exchange with people in the region we explore.

Understand peoples’ motivation, learn about their inspirations, ideas, achievements, and future goals.

Capture the current state of practices, map and visualise the findings, develop possible future steps with and for these actors, and reflect such learnings ourselves.

Weave people and processes across the regional scale to exchange knowledge and experience, and to co-design resilient regenerative systems.


We travel with a systemic mindset: what is active in the region where we cycle? What are actors’ product and process supply chains? How linear are those systems, and where are potential synergies and circularities to be designed in? What is the net impact of their work in a bio-regional context?

What can we learn from these encounters - and how can we support regional actors to build a better future?

We are conscious about the quality of the unplanned, the surprise, the emergence in systems. Transformation might happen where and when it is not expected. To allow the unexpected to happen is part of the systemic design approach.


Cycling is a tool to explore places and connect with people; and it is a tool to connect with, explore and develop yourself.

The bicycle allows us to travel independently, efficiently, sustainably and with "human speed". Slow travel, so that we recognize details, smells, moods, and change.

The term “cycles” symbolises iterations, the will and ability to act and to improve, trial and potential failure, cycles in nature, cycles in the life of things, products, services. And for circularity.

the process - Systemic Cycles

cycle explore connect map weave transfer enjoy


No matter what bike we use, from a road bike for day trips to a gravel bike equipped for bike packing on multiple day itineraries, to electric bicycles that are super inclusive so anyone can cycle (together): cycling moves body and mind. It is the best way of slow travel, of connecting with place and people, of being flexible and spontaneous to stop anywhere and follow opportunities arising along the route. Cycling is hard and strengthens; cycling is joyful and effortless flow; and cycling is very social.


It is about exploring. Being curious about what's coming, gaining distance to workday life. Experience yourself and new regions and places by cycling with like-minded people.


Cyclists are globally appreciated for their honest way to travel fair; we are slow enough to stop anywhere and talk to people; people on the way talk to us and wonder where we come from and go to. Cycling is the ideal way to connect - with place, with people, and with oneself.


Planning your route, visiting a place, understanding supply chains of production processes, mapping linear and designing-in circular opportunities, connecting across economic sectors. Maps are representations of reality, they help to navigate, and they are tools of visual dialogue. We learn to develop gigamaps from the information we gather, as dialogic tools to represent current and future complexities.


Weaving is the active, conscious process to find and curate synergies between people, processes, places, materials. It is about nudging new circularities, new ideas and interventions, new social networks, with the aim to contribute to more resilient regenerative systems. Part of weaving is also interbeing - the conscious act of being part of a process, a journey, a region, a community, by simply showing interest, spending time, and asking questions.


Cycling builds personal trust in our own capabilities, physically, mentally and technically. We learn about supply chain processes, about linear flows and circular opportunities, in very different economic sectors. We explore what bio-regional economies may look like, we understand terms like resilience and regeneration, we train our visual dialogue skills, we become systemic designers and weavers. And we make new friends. All of this has potential to enrich our daily life back home, with multiple transfer opportunities for our own personal journey through life.


While we travel, we get in contact with regional characteristics in food and language culture, geographical, historical, natural and current sights and places of interest.

We cycle to sit back, relax, enjoy, share our own experience with others. To interbe. To experience flow on the uphill and the downhill.

excel / grow

Cycling is a tool to deal with your mind: another hill, can I deal with it?

Cycling is a tool to reconnect with your own body: everything working fine so far? What do I feel? What can I improve, optimise, release?

Cycling is a tool to reach meditative states quite easily, to experience flow. For sure it is a great tool to improve your breathing, fitness and overall health.

Slowly you may reach another mental state, get creative at a sudden, and excel while dealing with mountains shrinking to hills.

learn - analyse - resume

The systemic character of a Systemic Cycles entails to actively meet local actors in the fields of sustainable innovation, systemic design, circular economy, regenerative tourism, land use, conservation, politics, renewable energies, food systems, the arts, and other aspects of a positive future development.

We gain insights and learn what they do, understand their processes, and figure out circular opportunities, mutual social synergies, new connections.

interact - weave - cycle

An important part of Systemic Cycles is to not just pass by a local spot as a “classic” tourist, but to start a relation with our partnering actors, with residents and other visitors too, to learn more about place, culture, opportunities. And to interact with ourselves, with our physical and mental abilities and boundaries.

Weaving is the active part of interconnecting participants, partners, processes and places to share experiences, get surprised through unexpected relations, and co-design new opportunities.

Cycle stands for iteration, repetition, to improve by prototyping and learning by doing. It is a designerly way of acting. Cycle stands for changing habits: come as a participant, then become an active partner - or vice versa. And cycle is about closed loops, about circular opportunities, about design as nature where no waste exists. Nothing is linear, but all processes are cycles.

develop - optimize - create

We engage in a Systemic Cycles tour as a journey into ourselves - our strengths and weaknesses, our beliefs, our values, our worldviews. And as a journey into place, a bio-region, and its potential to regenerate.

We develop deeper inner and outer connections. We thrive to optimise relations, and create new ones. Development as of self development, and local sustainable development.

Creating new opportunities, new synergies, new circularities, new networks, new friendships, new insights.

What did I take out of my own Systemic Cycles and what is my next step (or a pedal stroke)?

the methodology - Systemic Cycles

How we work within a Systemic Cycle

Explore a (regional) system (of actors as of businesses, organisations, managed areas,...) by bicycle to get a (slow) sense of place and connect (randomly) with people.
Let curiosity and chance steer to explore and (randomly) bump into new people and places - in relation with (globally) open minds and trust to bikers.
Understand the supply chains - uncover "pain points" of linearities - "design-in" opportunities of circularity.
Map the discoveries as (dialogic) systems maps, leading to Gigamaps, and potentially becoming pieces of communication as synthesis maps.
Feed-back and re-enter the dialogue with partners and further regional actors, and weave.
There are two basic entryways to start a Systemic Cycles tour:
  1. Building upon systemic analysis of supply chains and adding personal experiences to mapped data
  2. Emerging into a regional system for discovering contacts for post-mapping

Starting fields for connecting with place, people, process and potential - Systemic Cycles

In the context of local action on the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), global thinking within the Planetary Boundaries (PB) as safe space to operate, and the creative beauty of bio-regional regeneration, we like to explore, to learn, to weave across system boundaries. We propose the following fields of interest to start a Systemic Cycles journey through a regional context:

tourism and sports


agriculture (food, drinks, fibres)


local crafts and products


energy, water, waste


integrated mobility and transports


architecture, regional development, infrastructure


people, players, innovators


local administration, science, organisations


sites of interest (historical, current, geographical, cultural)


partner - Systemic Cycles


The MonViso Institute (link)

ETH Zürich DRRS (link)

supported by Avina Stiftung (link)

Ca'Savio (link)

team - Systemic Cycles


Tobias Luthe

Tobias Luthe (PhD) is an academic transdisciplinary hybrid. He works as professor for sustainability science and regenerative design, directing Systemic Design Labs at ETH Zurich, and being associated at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Norway). He is co-founding director of the MonViso Institute in the Italian Alps, a real-world laboratory for sustainability transitions and regenerative design. And he co-founded Grown, a design-as-nature lab and experience collective, winning industry awards for bio composites. Tobias is a mountaineering guide and photographer.

Engaging beyond the conventional, challenging movement of body and mind in nature, linking science with design for transformative action are amongst his passions: Systemic Cycles linkes all these together.

Martin Schütz

Martin is an Engineer, Designer and Product Development Expert and Lecturer. Martin is active as a Bike Designer since the early 90ies. He develops all kind of Bikes - cycling and Cycles is passion and part of his life.

Martin is teaching at Art School and at Technical University in Zürich.

With Systemic Cycles he now connects his passion to move by bike with his interests in a sustainable future and in what people do therefore.

contact - Systemic Cycles

Systemic Cycles
c/o Verein MonViso Institute
Triemlistrasse 17
CH-8041 Zürich

Interested? Please feel free to get in contact with us!
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